Monday 23 February 2009

sunny and last

What a fantastic day it was on Saturday.
We were out in the sunshine enjoying the great weather...hope you were too.
Sunshine is natures smile and makes us all feel bring it on!!!!
Leigh x

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Wow.... I was out in my garden at just gone 5pm last night and it was still light!!! It made me feel like spring was almost here and we can all start looking forward to feeling more active and doing more fun things during the week - just because we get home and it's still light!

It still amazes me that in my (nearly) 40 years on this planet how great that feeling is - just to have light nights.

Enjoy your lighter nights - whatever you decide to do!


Monday 9 February 2009

back to normal

Hello there
Hope you had fun in the snow last week.
As beautiful as it's been pretty disruptive on the work front.
Had to work from home for 3 days last week...thank heavens for the internet.
Really makes you realise how technology has given us loads more choices in life.
Have had a great day in the office toady - it's been brilliant to focus on getting things done.
Hope all is good in your world.
Take care.
Leigh x