Friday, 21 December 2012

Big Picture v Detail: The cost of not knowing your customers’ preferences

Have you ever asked a client a question that can be answered in a sentence or two and they’re still talking 10 minutes later?

Or maybe asked for more detail on a sales issue and been given a one line answer?

Are you the person that is only interested in the big picture (big chunks) and give very brief responses regardless of the question... or do you give a very detailed response (small chunks) when a brief outline is all that’s needed?
Have you ever noticed that some people in your team or company complain that they weren’t given enough information about what’s going on - and yet others felt that they got too much information to digest, and they were at the same meeting!

Some people only want a brief outline of the situation; others want to know every detail. Which one are you? Which one are your top customers – and prospects?

This can be a major source of frustration when the two extremes meet. The person with the ‘big chunk’ preference goes into shutdown when given too much information and the one with the ‘small chunk’ preference is dissatisfied with the level of detail they receive!

So what do you do?


It’s easy to ascertain which preference is at play when you talk to ANYONE.
Then it’s down to you!

When you are communicating with your clients and prospects you absolutely must match their level of detail in order to stay in rapport. Too many details will confuse and irritate a big chunk person and too much vagueness will upset the small chunk person. Give them a level of detail they need and check for understanding.

And - you need to communicate to people around you the level of detail YOU want so that they can deliver. Don’t expect people to know what you need!
If you can identify and respond to whether someone likes to communicate in ‘small chunk’ or ‘big chunk’ language you’ll generate far better customer relationships, sales management within your team and general sales success when it comes to increasing sales!

And you might just get on much better with your family this Christmas! 

Until next time...
Leigh Ashton
020 7903 5426

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