When you communicate with others you are creating an experience for the other person. Everything you say has an impact... even the smallest things. What’s interesting is that every word you use will have unique interpretation for the person you are communicating with.
When working with groups I often ask people the first thought that pops into their head when I say the word ‘success.’ Interestingly, no two people have ever come back with exactly the same response. Some say ‘promotion’, some say ‘sitting on a beach’, some say ‘loving family’, some say ‘money’. And even if people say they thought of money... when questioned, one may have seen a big house, the other the actual word came to mind or ,maybe a £ or $ image.
So imagine a string of words in a sentence and a string of sentences in a conversation and you begin to realise how easy it is to create confusion or misunderstanding.
We are all unique and different in our personalities and traits, so the way in which we communicate with others or are communicated to by others will make more of an effect then we may realise.
So whatever your objective is when you communicate with prospective clients (and colleagues too!) it will impact on your expectation and if that’s low or non- existent you may find yourself creating the very lack of great results that you crave.
So expect positive outcomes through your communication and you’re more likely to get them!
Until next time...
Leigh Ashton
PS: Download my complimentary report "The 9 Biggest Sales Mistakes" here
020 7903 5426
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