Thursday, 24 January 2013

Sowing and Reaping

"The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven." John Milton

Do you know just how much amazing potential your mind has?
More than you can possibly imagine.
Your mind controls everything you do...
Most of which is completely unconscious. In fact about 95% of what you do is unconscious. You have no real awareness that it's going on... like the blinking of your eyes, breathing in and out, the blood running through your body, the pulse in your neck and so much more. Until I mentioned them just now you gave those things no thought at all. They just happen.
What's that got to do with sales?

Now that's fine when they have no consequence - but sometimes they have very negative effects that get in the way of your sales success. So if you have patterns of behaviour or thinking that get in your way, start to get excited because you are fully capable of uncovering these hidden and not so hidden gremlins and ridding yourself of them for good! 

So here's some theory for you...

Your mind is split into two parts - the conscious and unconscious mind. Your conscious mind is the logical rational part of you that often talks you out of things. Your unconscious mind is where the deep stuff is. It runs and protects your body. It stores your inner thoughts, values, beliefs and processes them to create the behaviours that serve you. In fact it really wants to serve you... so much that it agrees with everything you tell it.
Your unconscious doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy.
So whatever you feed it... it will grow!
Your unconscious mind doesn't distinguish between good seeds or bad seeds. So, what seeds did you plant in 2012? What seeds are you planting right now in 2013? 
Plant positive seeds and you'll reap the magic later. Sow negative seeds and you're destined to exist in a sea of negativity and mediocre results.
Creating a great relationship with your unconscious mind is an essential part of your selling skills and creating success! Communicate with it on a regular basis. Get to know it. Nurture it. Think about what you want to harvest - and plant the appropriate seeds. 
Until next time...

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