Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Some NEWS!

At Last!

You can now get my “Essential Sales System for Small Business” as a download – Details here 
I would say that this programme will really benefit you if you can say yes to one or more of these questions...
  • Do you love what you do but you dislike the selling bit?
  • You just don’t believe you’re all that good at selling?
  • Learning new sales skills is on your list but you haven’t got round to it yet?
  • You think selling is a necessary evil?
  • You haven’t the time, or money to attend expensive workshops?
  • You’ve ‘tried everything’ and yet you’re still not getting the level of sales you need? 

If these ring any bells with you then I suggest you click here and find out more.
You could be on your way to sales success in less than 5 minutes from now!
All the best

PS: Don’t just take my word...
 “My perception of selling was a poor one…and I would put off the dreaded sales activity with a lame excuse. I’ve put into practice the positive ways to turn situations around that would previously have been a huge challenge to me. Leigh is the “John Lewis” of the sales world! She delivers what she promises and I trust her!!”
Lynn Batham - Alan Batham Digital Photography.

020 7903 5426

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

"You don't get what you want in life; you get what you expect"‏

Some questions for you... 
Do you know where you’re heading? In work? Away from work? In Life? Where is it all leading to? Does it have to lead anywhere anyway?   
A bit deep for a Wednesday? Maybe. Let’s drill it down to your business, even your sales, especially your sales... What actions are you taking to get you to where you want to go?  
That's assuming you know where you want to go!  
How much of a plan have you got? So many sales professionals I meet have lack-lustre goals, if they have any at all; "I want to reach budget", "I want to achieve the annual bonus", "I want to progress", "I want more money" and so on. Often not specific. Often just so so.   
How about sprucing things up a little? 
You can have mere wishes...   
...or you can have dynamic expectations that really motivate you to reach for the stars. When you have mediocre goals - and let's face it, "I want to reach target" is fairly mediocre, you're setting yourself up to be ordinary.   

Shouldn’t you really be aiming for outstanding?  
It's wonderful to experience the curiosity and confidence of young children. They believe that everything is possible. But what happens between the age of children and teenage years? And beyond? Something comes up that gets in the way of those early dreams.  
It's all about expectations  
I’m not sure who said this but I wholeheartedly agree with it... “You don't get what you want in life; you get what you expect”. There’s a massive difference. Most people expect ordinary. In fact many sales people expect ordinary. Many business owners expect ordinary. That’s fine if you want ordinary - because that’s exactly what will show up... 'better to aim low and not be disappointed' and all that.   
But what if you’ve had enough of ordinary? What if you want more? To start with, how about expecting more? What if you decide that instead of settling for mid table in your sales league you expected to be in the top three? Instead of growing your business at 5% next year, what if you decided to expect 10% growth? And instead of converting your leads at the same 25% as the last few years, how would expecting a conversion rate of 35% sound?   
I don't know where you are right now on your journey but what I do know is that most people who don't achieve the things they want in life usually have pretty mediocre goals and mediocre expectations to start with.   
How often do you start work with clear outcomes to achieve that day? How often do you set really aspirational objectives for the month? How engaged are you with the goals of your team?  

Challenge yourself... 
How could you increase your expectations tomorrow? Or today! What would your new expectations be for Friday 20th June 2014? What does real sales success mean for you? Maybe in terms of units sold, revenue, profit, lead conversion? What should you really be expecting in your career between now and three years from now? Where do you expect to be? What are you expecting to be doing? And who with?  

Play with this. Imagine. You already know that tomorrow’s realities start with today’s thoughts – so get thinking! Put some meat on the bones. Really raise those expectations. Get used to wearing them. Be comfortable with them. That’s where you’re heading after all.  
Raise your expectations and you’ll have started a journey. A journey that will encourage your brain to deliver new, better and imaginative ideas to achieve those expectations and goals.  
Think Big: Expect Big: Plan Big: Act Big 
Until next time.
PS: Check out my recent article for O2's "The Business" - Click Here to access "Losing Sales? Here's Why" 
020 7903 5426

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

"Optimise Your Business!" Very Special One-Day Event.

"Optimise Your Business!"
There’s a very special one-day event going on June 13th in London that I recommend you take a look at to help your business.

It’s being run by two very good friends of mine, Shaa Wasmund and Mark Attwood and I will be making a guest appearance!

Shaa, as you probably already know, is the founder of and the best-selling author of “Stop Talking, Start Doing”.

Shaa is a truly inspirational entrepreneur and speaker and knows exactly what businesses need, from start ups to companies like Dyson!

Mark has generated nearly £40 million for his own business, PAL Hire, using his own internet marketing techniques.

He’s been working online since 1996, and really knows his onions.

But, the best thing about Mark is his ability to explain something technical in a really down to earth way that cuts through all the bull.

Shaa and Mark did a webinar recently called “Top 6 Tips to Optimise Your Business”, which is available for a short time to listen to here:

I highly recommend you take a listen to the webinar and consider attending the event on the 13th – it’s a one-off, a great chance to network and I know the knowledge and insights you will gain will benefit your business including sales success!

As my gift to you, enter the discount code 'leigh' and you will receive your tickets for £67 instead of £197!

For more details about the event click here

I look forward to seeing you there!
020 7903 5426

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Steve Peters, the England World Cup Squad - and You‏

The World Cup is looming. That thought will fill you with massive anticipation...or complete dread!  
This time round there’s a new member of the England Team...who won’t kick a ball for the whole of the tournament. His name is Steve Peters and he will be going to Brazil as the England team psychologist – you can read more in this recent article.  
The England management team have identified just how important it is for the players to have the right mindset if they are to achieve their potential in the tournament.  

What about your mindset?  
How often do you focus on YOU? You too should be ensuring you’ve got the mindset you need to get success in your role.  

Imagine you or your team being able to quickly and easily conjure up the necessary elements for success - confidence, determination, calmness, or anything else that's needed, at will...whenever it's needed. 
You can! 
It's with a technique called 'anchoring'. Anchoring allows you to take those success traits you feel and experience when you're at your best - and resurrect them when you're not!  
My preferred anchoring technique is the 'Circle of Excellence'. It's easy, fun and works with everyone. Try it out, go with it - and let me know how you get on.  

Here we go...  

The Circle of Excellence   
First, find a quiet area where you won't be disturbed.  
Think of a resource you would like to have immediate access to in the future. This could be confidence, calmness, determination...anything.  
Think back to a time when you demonstrated this very resource in the past. Relive that experience in detail. Then associate a colour with that state.  

Now imagine an invisible circle on the floor in front of you. Paint it the colour you just chose. Make it about 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in front of you. Now add whatever you'd like into the circle that represents or supports that wonderful state you want to replicate. Do whatever you need to do, add whatever you need to add, so that your circle is as perfect as it can be.
Think of situations... the past where you have possessed, and used, huge amounts of the very resource you now want to access. Think of at least 3 past events where you displayed the very traits that you want to bring into your circle of excellence. Really associate into the experiences. What were you doing? What were you saying? How were you feeling? What were you seeing? See yourself in the circle being magnificent and exhibiting these qualities.  
When you have built up your circle, step into it and experience the multiple effect of having those resources again here and now. Feel your power! Really enjoy yourself.   
Step out of the circle.
Check with yourself... you need to add anything to your circle? Add whatever you want to further build up those resources that you need.    
Step back into the circle and notice how you feel again. Really ramp up the feeling. Imagine you have a dial that increases the intensity and turn it up as much as you can stand!  
Then...pick up your circle and put it somewhere that you can access...maybe an imaginary pocket. You can call it your resource pocket...and know that you have access to it whenever you need it. When you do need it, roll out the circle in front of you, step into it, and feel your power and resources increase straight away as you conjure up the necessary elements for your sales success
You don’t need to be a member of the England World Cup Squad to experience the magic of the mindset.
It's all about the psychology of selling.
Until next time.  
PS: Check out my recent article for O2's "The Business" - Click Here to access "Losing Sales? Here's Why"
020 7903 5426