Whether your job is selling, or managing
those that do sell, or a combination of the two, there’s a fair chance you’re
working long hours. Maybe too long?
Are you spending long hours on motorways
way after 7pm driving to and from meetings? Are you burning the midnight oil
draped over a laptop with a strong coffee trying to get everything done? Maybe
How can you be
brilliant at selling and managing in this state?
When it comes to being fabulous at
selling, take note of Stephen Covey’s “Habit 7” (from his book “The 7
Habits of Highly Effective People”). Here he invites his readers to
“Sharpen the Saw” – he sees this as “The habit that makes all the other habits
possible”. Basically his Habit 7 revolves around the suggestion that, to be
truly successful you should preserve the greatest asset you have... YOU!
Clearly, not enough of us are taking
notice of Mr Covey. According to a survey of 1000 business owners 14% had
no plans to take any holiday this year, and 59% said they were afraid of
burning out. And 20% said they found it impossible to switch off from work.
Even when they are away from the office, many business owners, bosses and sales
people constantly check their emails on their smart phones even if they have ten
people back at the office looking after things.
That’s not helpful and
it’s not healthy
You might be thinking “I agree, Leigh,
but I am where I am and it’s just the way it is”. My reply would be... OK,
let’s assume you go on as you are and do nothing to change
Close your eyes and imagine it’s the 26th
February 2016 i.e. two years on from today. You’ve made no changes to
your life. Imagine, how's your job? How's your life? How happy are you? How
many hours a week are you working?
Time to change?
If you really want to Sharpen the Saw
and achieve more sales success
and business success, consider my thoughts on this ...
- Be realistic about what you can take on. When you’re planning your month, week, day, it’s no good scheduling 14 hours work in hoping that you’ll have one of those ‘miracle days’ when everything takes half as long as usual. It rarely does. Plan a challenging day by all means but keep it realistic.
- Think "Delegate or Ditch". Ask yourself 'Does this task REALLY need doing? If yes, ask 'who else could do it?' Trust others. A task that is a real chore to you might be a nice opportunity for someone else to show what they can do.
- It’s a 5000 meters race, not a 100m sprint. Pace yourself.
- Have a sense of perspective. Think family, partner, friends. They’d benefit from your company too.
- Don’t fight those battles that you know you can’t win
- Work out what’s causing you the most pressure – and work out where you can get help to ease that pressure.
- Drop the guilt. You are a key part of the company, so make sure you invest in yourself and your health.
- If and when you do manage a break, don’t try to do too much in it!
- Book your 2014 holidays now, don’t wait to see if you ‘get around to it’. You won’t. At least book time off in advance and organise your work schedule around these breaks, not the other way round.
- Think - If your business/role still needs your personal input every waking hour after several years in it then ask yourself if this really the right business to be in?
For great sales keep yourself - and your
team, in great condition.
Until next time
020 7903 5426