“The Law of Attraction” burst into my personal consciousness several years ago – and has played quite a part in my personal and professional life ever since. Not just me – The Law of Attraction and “The Power of the Universe” have captured many people’s imaginations in recent years.
The Law of Attraction suggests that both your conscious and unconscious thoughts can truly affect what comes about. It’s centred around visualising the successful completion of your goals and is regularly used by many top sportsmen and women, business leaders too, as they bid to ‘attract’ success.
Fab or Fake?
Nevertheless, The Law of Attraction has
been criticised by some scientists as violating scientific principles and that
it is merely a type of placebo effect.
With my specialist subject being Sales Psychology, The Law of
Attraction was always bound to arouse my interest. What was all the fuss about?
Well, several years later I can report that I find it a very useful tool in my sales armoury. Spooky? Kooky? Maybe – but definitely something to consider. Whether it’s a presentation, pitch, networking event, pending contract or something much more long term, the potential applications are limitless.
Well, several years later I can report that I find it a very useful tool in my sales armoury. Spooky? Kooky? Maybe – but definitely something to consider. Whether it’s a presentation, pitch, networking event, pending contract or something much more long term, the potential applications are limitless.
Try it. It’s a great technique for fine
tuning your goals and ensuring they are more likely to be delivered. It will
really help you to focus on what you want - and help you achieve it.
It’s great fun too.
The Law of Attraction...
It’s great fun too.
The Law of Attraction...
Make sure you’re in a relaxed state. The
best times for this are immediately on waking or just before you go to sleep.
2. ASK
2. ASK
Know what you want and ask the universe for
it. After all - If you don’t place your order with the Universe, how will it
ever know what to deliver to you? Create a movie of yourself being successful
at whatever it is you want to achieve. Create as vivid a movie as you can. Turn
up the colour, the sounds, the happiness levels you're experiencing, the tastes
– everything. You are living your goal!
Feel and believe as if the object of your
desire is on its way. Focus your thoughts and your language on what it is you
want to attract. Feel the feeling of really ‘knowing’ that what you want is
already on its way, even if you have to trick yourself into believing it.
Replace hope with firm expectation.
Be open to receive it. Notice the messages
and signs from the Universe to confirm you are on the right path. Open yourself
to receiving the very thing you want.
It doesn’t matter how much you want
something or how much you visualise a successful outcome...if you don’t take
action it won’t happen. Any action will do to get you off the starting block
and give you some momentum.
How does it work? For me it’s because planting positive images in your subconscious will switch your brain into the mode whereby it will automatically generate the endorphins that will give you the natural impetus you need to succeed. You’ll then be more minded to take the actions that will take you to where you need to be.
Another contribution to The Psychology of Sales.
How does it work? For me it’s because planting positive images in your subconscious will switch your brain into the mode whereby it will automatically generate the endorphins that will give you the natural impetus you need to succeed. You’ll then be more minded to take the actions that will take you to where you need to be.
Another contribution to The Psychology of Sales.
Until next time.
020 7903 5426
I meet so many people who think the Law of Attraction means just put it out there and wait! So love the way you refer to it as a tool.
I meet so many people who think the Law of Attraction means just put it out there and wait! So love the way you refer to it as a tool.
HI Helen and thanks for your comment. Yes ACTION is just as important a word as Attraction.
All the best
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