No. No way.
In fact our own weekly enewsletter (thank you for reading this!) goes
from strength to strength. That’s if your measurement criteria for a successful
newsletter includes the number of those signing up to receive it, the numbers
opening it, the numbers reading it – and the amount of favourable comments
Oh and the number of enquiries we receive through it too.
Yes, actual leads each week, even though we don’t promote anything
within the newsletter (ok then maybe a teeny weeny bit at the bottom
So I remain convinced that a company newsletter could be a very powerful
contributor to helping your company achieve its strategic goals.
Fundamental rules of newsletters
It’s got to be good! People
aren’t reading as many newsletters as they were and there are lots to choose
from so, depending on the sector you operate in, you may have a lot of
competition vying for the attention of your customers and potential customers.
So your newsletter content needs to be top notch. More later on this.
Make sure the content is highly focussed on the needs of your readers. It must be interesting. And it must be useful too. So who are your
readers? What are their needs? For example we have three different versions of
this newsletter, the version you receive depends on your company type and your
role within it.
Make sure it can be read in 2 - 3 minutes. We’re all very busy these days! If your newsletter doesn’t look crisp
and clean and easy to read, it won’t be read, it’s as simple as that.
Give not sell. Yes you might include a discreet
promotional link but the crucial overriding principle with a newsletter is that
it's a giving platform. Be satisfied that when you're giving your reader handy
information, you're indirectly promoting yourself anyway.
Why you should produce a newsletter
- It's a great way to keep in touch with previous customers so that they will also be your future customers. Maintain your relationship – keep the business.
- For those contacts on your database that haven’t yet purchased from you a newsletter is a wonderful ongoing reminder of who you are and what you specialise in.
- You build and maintain a relationship with those that read it, even with those you’ve never met. They become familiar with you and your offering - and when the time comes that they’re ready to buy, you’re well positioned to make the sale.
- An excellent newsletter will help define you as an expert in your field. You build a reputation as the ‘go to’ people in your sector.
- You get additional exposure you wouldn’t normally get. Even if your newsletter is not read, it will still appear in your contacts’ inboxes as a subject line and sender – and even that small amount of exposure helps keep you and your company in their minds.
- It will generate enquiries for you – later if not sooner.
What you should put in your newsletter
The simple rule here is ...anything that you know your contacts might
find useful. Our rule at The Sales Consultancy is simple. When we’re
considering ideas of what to include in our newsletter the one question we have
to answer with a YES is ... Will it increase the sales success of the readers if they implement our
But if you’re struggling for ideas, here’s an article I came across
which has a fabulous check list of the type of content you should consider for
your newsletter.
So yes, based on our own experiences and results I remain a big fan of
regular newsletters.
What do you think?
Until next time...
020 7903 5426