Wednesday, 5 November 2008

keep training

Well - small businesses have certainly been in the news a lot this week (although probably overshadowed by the Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross crisis which sadly seems to be more important than anything else!!!).

Peter Mandelson has been urging banks to be lenient with small businesses and has also said, “During these difficult times many businesses will look at how to rein in costs. Evidence shows that those that invest in training are less likely to fail and first class workplace skills will be key to prospering when the economy turns up.”

We, as smaller businesses, could all say ' there's just no work out there right now!'. We could all just sit back and hope that our business will be lucky enough to survive. OR we could get up and learn to work harder and smarter to ensure our business are still here after the on coming recession. Learning new techniques to make sure we approach our clients and prospective customers is of paramount importance now. Maybe we should listen to Mandelson and make sure we keep learning new techniques to help us in these more challenging times!

Keep smiling!

Maria x

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