Monday, 24 August 2009


Hello there
Hope you're all well.
Isn't it great to have had a hot and sunny weekend.
I noticed people walking around being more cheerful and definitely more smiley.
Makes me wonder how we can capture it somehow to use when it's cold, wet and grey.
I've got my own ways...get in touch if you're interested.
Be great to hear yours too.
Keep smiling.

Leigh x

Monday, 17 August 2009

If you need some help with your sales...

Hi all
Want to let you know about a great half day sales workshop I'm running especially for business owners and sales professionals.
Avoid the Top Ten Biggest Sales Mistakes will give you an introduction to how NLP can transform your sales.
There's a networking lunch to follow so you can try out your new skills...and all for £149 + VAT.
Nearly's on the 30th September.
Hope you can make it.
Leigh x

Monday, 10 August 2009

Happy Weekends

Hello there

What a fab weekend. The sun shone, the music played, the pimms flowed and fun was had by all.
Went to a lovely Summer Ball in a vanue on the River Thames...what a great way to spend a hot summer evening.

What with some retail therapy yesterday...I guess I had the perfect weekend.

Hope you did too.

Leigh x