Wednesday, 27 August 2008


Hope you all had a fab Bank Holiday!

Maria is still sunning herself in Lanzarote...lucky thing...and we're all hard at work making things happen. It may be cloudy outside but it's all action in here!!!

Wanted to share a quote with you that was emailed to me today:

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Theadore Roosevelt

He was a smart guy, don't you think?

So today is 'DO SOMETHING DAY' no matter how small an action...just do something....anything that will get you closer to what you really want in life...go know you want do it NOW!!!!!

Wishing you lots of what you want.

Leigh x

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

It's Bank holiday weekend!!!!!!

Hello again

Well the summer has not been very kind to us this year though I hear the Bank Holiday weekend isn't going to be too bad after all!!! So why not enjoy all the great things in London this weekend

I'm off on a well deserved holiday to Lanzarote so enjoy the last bank holiday until Christmas :o(
and make the most of the dry weather while we have it!!!

I'll be back nice and tanned soon.

See you then.

Maria x

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Fuck it!!!!

Thought that might grab your attention!!!
I've just had the most amazing holiday in Italy at a holistic retreat called The Hill that Breathes. Spent a week going Tai Chi and Chi Gung and quite frankly...have never been so chilled out in all my life.
Getting in touch with my chi (energy) has been a truly uplifting experience.
It was my very first holiday on my own - there were 24 other people there so I wasn't technically alone and many of them had travelled on their own too. I met some lovely people and know that some long term friendships have been made.
If you fancy a complete get away from it all experience, the fuck it week at the hill that breathes, really fits the bill.
Must dash....need to have my lunchtime nap ;-)
Leigh x