Saturday, 29 March 2008

it's been a while

Hello there
Apologies for neglecting my blog update duties....I've been so busy working on a new project.
I've set up an additional company called Design Your Future...created to help people change their lives and get more of what they want.
I'm so excited - NLP has been a passion of mine for many years and I've used these tools to transform my business, my relationships, my health, my sports fact all areas of my life.
Our first Dynamic Personal Breakthrough weekend earlier this month had delegates changing their thinking about the problems in their lives and focusing on what they want.
We have already got bookings for our Practitioner and Master Practitioner programmes in the summer.
If you want to learn more about how you can get rid of the problems in your life and get more of what you really want go to
The clocks go forward tonight and that means summer is on the way so enjoy those warmer days, those longer evenings and being able to have fun outdoors!!
Take care.
Leigh x